Monday, November 16, 2009

Grounds Upkeep-An on-going activity.

Just a week ago, Saturday 7th, Vicky, Christopher, Ben, Ollie and Leo visited, bringing the most delicious dinner- marinated salmon fillets that Christopher did on the BBQ. Vicky prepared, as a special treat, creme brule for dessert. Apparently she wondered whether or not I would have a blow torch, to which Ollie remarked that " Grandpa Phillip has everything" , or words to that effect. Having produced the blow torch, which Vicky wielded professionally, Christopher asked if Ollie's observation was correct, to which I replied that there were one or two things that I might not have, for instance a Chipper/Shredder !

Today's job. Get the pine logs, suitable for milling, off the ground and racked for drying. And, while I'm at it, get the stump cut down to ground level !

I don't think it is worth getting a stump grinder. More practical to rent one for a week !!

Clearing out the "plantation" .

Moving from brush pile to brush pile in Dad's plantation. Chipper/shredder makes wonderful mulch !The whole area is beginning to look quite respectable after several years of neglect. This might be the perfect site for a small shelter constructed out of some locally cut wood:

The mowing season is over, as is the leaf blowing, vacuuming and mulching. And as the vegetation dies unsightly reminders of incomplete brush clearing appear !

Just one week ago, Gabriel remarked, after a chariot ride on a beautiful afternoon, that the piles of brush in the tree line were quite noticeable and that she understood why I had been casting my eyes on a chipper/shredder, and very generously offered to get me one, which I needed no further encouragement to follow through on !
Thank you, Gabriel. This piece of equipment has already proven to be one of the best acquisitions, and it's all thanks to you.

Our local township has all but banned outside brush burning, in fact has pratically eliminated all fires. This is a very sore point with local farmers and yet another example of the continuing intrusion into our lives by government.

It looks as if we will have another beautiful day, so must get down to work . This great weather is an unexpected bonus.

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