Tuesday, April 27, 2010


We are having a snow storm here, so I have a few moments to blog !

 I hope that this issue will bring smiles and chuckles to the legions of avid followers ( I think that is about 5 !).
As a theoretician on the values and benefits of Fine Arts in Education I did pretty well. As a practictioner I was a dismal failure. One disaster after another. For my grand debut at the Royal Festival Hall in 1955, playing the triangle, didn't I drop the dinger just as I was about to play my one note and by the time I scrambled to pick it up and ding it, the effect was salutory. All the musicians just stopped and stared at me. My theatrical debut was just as distinguished. About to launch into my maiden speech, all three words, I gasped, froze and final squeeked out "What the hell ! " Bedlam on stage. Actors convulsed with laughter. They rang down the curtain.  And so it goes.

But I have persevered, and a picture in last week's paper further inspired me yet again. As far as I can tell the picture was a blank sheet, with a very faint pattern, similar to a watermark. At auction for several million dollars. If the artist in question could recycle paper I could surely find something I could recycle and offer to the National Gallery, the Museum of Modern Art, or as a last resort sell on e-bay !

Here it is !  If any of the bits strike you as being useful let me know,and I'll do some pruning !

(Note:- made of high quality ABS piping, guaranteed to last for hundreds if not thousands of years.)

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

ornamental lawn sculpture, or hamster obstacle course?