Wednesday, December 31, 2008


This will be a short post. I'm going to do a more comprehensive one next time I can get near a high speed connection. Our Xmas tree was the top of a 25 footer- most of it stayed in the plantation. There aren't any more house size trees ! I'll go back for the trunk in the spring and we'll have some firewood for Joe's fire pit.

In the meantime, this picture is really for Sarah, to let her know that some thirty years later I have finally found the right spot for the stained glass window she gave me. About time !

From my "study" window I have a great view of the sunset, the main barn, and at this time of the year the bus.
The "Happy Farmer" has taken advantage of fairly clement weather the past few days to do some brush cutting in the plantation the other side of the marsh in front of the farmhouse and to start work on the tree line on the North side of the field behind the farmhouse.
Looking forward to all the new adventures and activities in 2009.


Amalia said...

HAPPY NEW YEARS GRAMPA! Can't wait for your next post.

Rebecca said...

What a lovely tree! Happy New Year!

sarah said...

Lovely tree and the stained glass looks perfect.Happy New Year to you both as well